Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How the world should look

Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette

Credits: (3), AllMoviePhoto,

I remember watching "Marie Antoinette" one Friday night at home. While the movie was still playing I couldn't sit still and jumped up to search my closet for the most beautiful items I owned. There was not much in there that could compare, but the excitement I had from all of the beauty that filled every scene cast an aura of satin pastel sheen on all of my clothing.

This is why I don't think clothing and fashion are silly. Few things can make you feel as peppy as a stepping into the sunshine in a nice dress.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pictures from Apple and Pumpkin Picking

Coats, Coats, Coats

It sure find it hard to find the perfect winter coat.   When I was looking online for coats tonight, I came across the teal Marc Jacobs one at the bottom with the big buttons.  This has been my favorite coat since I bought it in 2005 and I guess someone is selling it on ebay for a lot more than I paid.  The only issue I have with it is the color - very nice and bright but gets so dirty.  The blue one in the top pic is by Leifsdottir and is very beautiful but that brand is so pricey.  The little yellow one is cute, but again, would probably end up looking dingy.  Besides, sometimes you just don't feel like looking so colorful.  Or, your clothes already have enough colors and you just need a nice neutral coat in black or navy or gray.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Band Dress and First Blog

The Band Dress

Of the things I have sewn from scratch this dress is definitely my favorite.  Actually of all the dresses I own this dress is my favorite!  I am proud of it because I used a little more patience than I have in the past and it shows in the quality.  My friend Nina and I made these for when our little band plays live one of these days and I am glad she pushed us to stay up til 2am a few nights last week to finish them in time for Halloween.  

I am excited to start blogging about something that makes my heart beat a little faster - clothing - especially homemade or fixed-up clothing.  I love to share tidbits and helpful hints and pictures and enjoy reading other people's blogs, so here I go...